28 abril 2009


Not Mary
I don't go round
I'm not Mary, I'm not her
you looked at me
and not another
for when I kissed you
was like no other.

Mary is gone
she's out, she left
she's been here before
way before I came.

It was me on top of you
your eyes flutter closed
it was my skin against yours
it was your accent, it was my voice
it was the moment when Mary's gone.

I'm not a hail Mary shot
I'm not that doll
my arms around you
have proved you wrong.
Let's face it, dear
your Mary's not
for when you touched me
its my skin against yours.

Right now
Now, it's now
I just can't wait
the answer's now
my heart bangs
how long is now?

how fast has now
have to be
before it turns
into longtime memories?

how fake, how bold
how sound the answer
for an immediate
no head
kind of reaction?

my heart bangs
how long is now?

nothing suffies
nothing implies
just keep on searching
fulfillment lies.

4 comentarios:

Sebastián Leonangeli dijo...

Tuyos? Muy buenos, el primero sobre todo. Podría ser la letra de un tema de PJ Harvey tranquilamente.

Helena à Paris dijo...

Si, gracias. Es una prueba, no es mi forma de escribir, no es mi estilo.
Lo pensé como si fuese una canción pero yo no sé nada de música así que el ritmo es mudo.

Mariano dijo...

Una nueva faceta de la Helena literaria? Está muy bueno.
Y lindo el rediseño de la página también. Te cansa que las cosas sean de la misma forma mucho tiempo, eh? ;)

Helena à Paris dijo...

Helena juega, Helena prueba cosas, Helena se divierte =)